Dec 262011

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, since SEGA and Crypton decided to throw us an extra gift. A video released on the Official Project Diva youtube channel reveals what is supposedly PV footage from the next Project Diva title under development. From the resolution of the video, there is strong suspicion that this is likely video from a PS Vita. It sports some pretty nice enhancements over the versions on the PSP. Lighting effects, hair physics, and even polygon count have improved dramatically.

The description then teases “The next PROJECT DIVA is coming in 2012”. If you’ve been questioning buying a PS Vita, this will certainly help a lot of Vocaloid and PjD fans make up their minds. Watch the video for yourself on the official channel, or watch below.

The model looks a lot like the one from the Sapporo and Singapore concerts…[youtube:]

Dec 242011

Mikufan would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and a happy and safe holiday season. Have a joyful new year, and be sure to look forward to new and exciting events that are sure to come in 2012!

How about this cute little christmas jingle by Doriko?[youtube:]

Dec 182011

Well, it’s about time…

Just 30 minutes ago, it was announced on Hatsune Miku’s Facebook page that an official youtube channel had opened up. In less than 20 minutes, the channel had already reached an impressive 1,000 subs. It is currently unknown what the channel will be used for, but you will find a few older concert videos listed.

Since Crypton is in charge of the channel, it will probably have unique and exclusive video releases and previews. So go ahead and give it a sub and stay tuned for what’s to come. You can find the channel here.

Dec 152011

Quite the interesting video has popped up on the page of Google Chrome Japan, featuring none other than Hatsune Miku herself! The choice of images, video clips, display, and even the music (featuring “Tell Your World” by livetune) is just absolutely fantastic! Google did an excellent job capturing what the Vocaloid phenomenon is really about.

Feel free to watch below or watch it here, and share it with your friends! This is something all fans must see, and will be a moment in Vocaloid history to remember.

UPDATE: And a teaser video for the new song was posted by livetune himself. Thanks to Vocaloidism for the find!

Toyota could benefit by taking some notes from google. =P

Dec 022011

EDIT: Well, that was fun while it lasted. Youtube removed the ability to revert to the older design. I will update this if another method is found. I’m terribly sorry about that.

Now that we have that out of the way, enjoy this wonderful music piece from Kenichi Chiba. This track was created as a prayer song to the people of Japan after the quake and tsunami disaster earlier this year. You can also get the song for free from his piapro account, located here.
