Jan 042011

ELECTROCUTICA is an independent music company managed entirely by its artists. Their main creators Treow and Shizuka Kitajima help and manage various other artists with everything from music production to sales and promotion. the sound of ELECTROCUTICA is usually a mix of various genres, often with a kind of dark tone to it. Vocaloid samples are used in many of ELECTROCUTICA’s songs, often only in a very subtle matter, creating a very original sound. Their previous full release CDs “DYE -Synthesis-” and “REVERSUS” have been considered to be very successful. They are available at several online shops for purchase.

Please visit the official ELECTROCUTICA homepage for more information.

Jan 012011

I would like to wish everyone a happy new year and hope that you all had enjoyable holidays. Mikufan.com will be looking forward to continue to provide us Miku fans this coming year and I will be doing my best to support Miku and the site as well. To ensure that this new year is a happy one even for the not so fortunate mikufan, I have picked following two songs from Youtube:

For me the year has been a busy one. I regret not having had enough time to actively improve the state of mikufan.com. However, I want give my best this year. The site admin, too, seems to be busy, nevertheless I encourage you to visit the site once in the while in case everything gets running again…