Dec 262011

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, since SEGA and Crypton decided to throw us an extra gift. A video released on the Official Project Diva youtube channel reveals what is supposedly PV footage from the next Project Diva title under development. From the resolution of the video, there is strong suspicion that this is likely video from a PS Vita. It sports some pretty nice enhancements over the versions on the PSP. Lighting effects, hair physics, and even polygon count have improved dramatically.

The description then teases “The next PROJECT DIVA is coming in 2012”. If you’ve been questioning buying a PS Vita, this will certainly help a lot of Vocaloid and PjD fans make up their minds. Watch the video for yourself on the official channel, or watch below.

The model looks a lot like the one from the Sapporo and Singapore concerts…[youtube:]