Sep 272012


Sorry about most of the recent articles being about merchandise and products, but there’s a bit of a lack anything else noteworthy for the time being. Plus the fact that a lot of these figures being launched are pretty incredible. This newest announcement for the re-release of the World is Mine figure is no exception.

The first run of this figure was in early 2009, and came in two variants with a stained brown frame, and another with a lighter natural wood color. The re-release version is based on the stained brown frame design. This will be the product’s second run in over three years. So if you missed out before or got involved in Vocaloid too late, you’ve got another chance to get your own.

The announced sale price for the figure is 8800 Yen, or roughly $114. This seems high, but the figure is of the utmost quality and includes a beautiful frame as well. The expected release date is sometime in January 2013. The official product page and full size images can be found from here.

Good Smile is selling the product directly through their online store, but it’s also available through other vendors for far lower prices. Since the product was just announced, there aren’t any reservations available yet through other vendors. But I’ll update this post when they are (which should be within a day or two).

EDIT: The figure is now listed on amiami for just 6600 Yen, or $85 USD. It’s listed as sold out since it was just added, but should be shown as available again very soon. Use that watch list button! Here’s the listing: [LINK] A listing through hobby search can also be found here for 7,123 yen.

Sep 272012

Digging back to early August, you may remember my article regarding the sale of limited edition serialized Hatsune Miku Walkmans. And then a little later, I reported how all 11,817 units were sold in under 6 hours. It’s obvious that people were crazy to get their hands on these units. But it looks like we found someone who takes “crazy” up and beyond the normal meaning for Vocaloid fans.

The owner of the 3939th unit of the teal colored Walkman, with a serial number of 3939/3939, has recently auctioned off the device on Yahoo Japan. Some crazed fan must have REALLY wanted that Walkman, because the auction ended with a winning bid of 368,000 Yen, or roughly $4,736 USD. The device originally sold for 12,800 Yen, or $165 USD. This means the 3939th unit sold for over 28 times the original retail price. [SOURCE]

I’ve seen a few crazy spenders in the Vocaloid community over the years, but I’ve never seen someone spend so much on such a small device because of a unique serial number. The user who bought it must be extremely crazy, or extremely rich (but most likely both). Either way, the seller has certainly made a nice little profit from his venture.