Search Results : project diva F 2nd

Jul 142012

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How many of you managed to stay up last night and watch the live Voca Nico Night performance on Nicovideo last night? Quite an event, right? It was an awesome way for them to kick off the start of a 7 week event called “Joypolis”. There they will be holding regular small live performance events, as well as an area with playable copies of Project Diva F well before the game is even set to launch.

The building will divide the action into three sections so that each attraction goes undisturbed. Mini concerts will take place on floor 2 a couple times a day for 15 minutes intervals. The featured songs will be “Weekender Girl”, “Odds & Ends”, and “Time Machine”. The third floor is where the Project Diva F gaming sessions take place.

The event is set to run until September 2nd. To view the site about the event, click the banner above. It’s in Japanese of course, but there’s something interesting in the bottom image. Is that another life-sized Hatsune Miku figurine I see, or the old one from Sapporo earlier this year?


Jun 152012

After having such a blast at Anime Expo last year, it is only natural that I’ll be returning this year as well. For the full 4 days, no less!

Known as North America’s largest anime convention, it attracts visitors from all over the country, and even the world! The event runs from June 29th until July 2nd. If you have never attended before and you’re interested in doing so, simply click the above banner to visit the official site for details.

Those of you who ARE attending will be able to take part in a special event I’ll be hosting. As I’ve said before, I’ll be visiting for the entire 4 days. So I’ve thought of an interesting idea: I’ll play the “where’s waldo?” game. Throughout the expo, I’ll be tweeting hints about my location and what I’m wearing. People who manage to locate me will be entitled to Vocaloid related prizes!

To play the game is simple. First, to keep up with my hints, you’ll need to follow me on my ->twitter account<-. You wont receive my hints without it! Second, you will need to locate me using the hints. My expo badge will have the name “JRHARBORT” printed onto it. After you locate me and tell me you’ve found me, you’ll be awarded with a prize. The first place prize will be a copy of Project Diva Extend for the PSP. The second place prize will be a copy of the Electric Love CD/DVD album set. All following winners will receive a random Vocaloid related prize from my bag.

Those of you who cannot attend the expo can still check back on this blog for nightly updates of my experiences for each day of the event. There’s no Vocaloid concert this year, but that’s not to say that there wont be anything fun to do! I hope to see you guys there, and good luck!

Apr 202012

While I’ve spent a lot of time answering everyone’s messages on Facebook and Youtube, I realize that a lot of you who are simply reading this site may have questions yourselves. I’ll be pretty busy for the next few days, but I will take the time to host a quick Q&A article with my viewers. If you have any questions regarding my “Stop posting save Miku topics and videos” article, feel free to ask. Or if you have anything you want to ask me that may be more personal, I’ll answer those as well.

Simply post a question in the comments, and I’ll add them to this article along with my response for everyone to see. I’ll keep the Q&A open until my next blog update, which should be a few days from now. I recently received my order of the Hatsune Miku HSP ver. figurine, and I’m hoping to do a proper review.

EDIT: Questions are now closed!


Nuglam asks: Is there a way to contact you about topics that may or may not deserve a post? And will you implement a widget for questions or suggestions later?

Answer: I do not have a public contact email, but you can contact me at any time by PMing on my youtube channel located at I respond to all messages. I am not the owner of Mikufan, so I will need to speak to the owner about permission for adding a new plugin. So it’s possible that one will be added later.

Sherlock asks: Out of curiosity, who’s your favorite V1 character? V2? V3?

Answer: My favorite V1 character, believe it or not, is Kaito. He makes a pretty excellent male companion in duets with other Crypton Vocaloids. I’m also eagerly waiting for his Append release. My favorite V2 Vocaloid is Hatsune Miku simply due to her high level of flexibility, and also due to how well she goes with Vocalectro (Vocaloid+Electro) styled music. The V3 character that has my eye right now is IA, for many of the same reasons as Miku. She’s extremely flexible in the range of genres she can work with, and she also fits with Vocalectro extremely well.

Makoto9 asks: I’m torn between buying Project Diva 2nd, and Project Diva Extend. Which would you recommend, and why?

Answer: Project Diva 2nd and Extend both have PV modes, and it’s true that Extend does offer far less songs (10 less to be precise). Adding all of those extra modules really took up a lot of the game’s storage space. But Extend does offer more in terms of gameplay enjoyment, such as items that can even increase the difficulty of gameplay. The song selection in Extend is also more in line with a “Greatest Hits” collection, so many of the songs are bound to be very familiar with many fans. I’ve played both, and I had a lot more fun with Extend than I did with 2nd. If I had to choose again, I’d go with Extend. The Project Diva Wiki has a lot of useful information explaining the changes in Extend.

Alex asks: I am curious about your line of work, social structure, and family structure. Also what your religion. Is this too personal of a question?

Answer: I work part time with one of my older brothers for the moment, since getting a proper full time job in my area has proven difficult. I’m still trying though. Social structure? I think I’m doing fairly well in that department. I had just recently hosted a large Brony meet (gasp, he’s a Brony too?!). It went pretty well. My family is Christian, although I’m not too religious myself. But I would not consider myself to be atheist.

gabriel razo asks: can you please make a concert in Las Vegas i dont have money to travel =(

Answer: I’d love to go to Vegas to perform for you, but I’m a horrible singer. Thanks for asking though!

Andrew Murphy asks: After receiving many mixed information from various websites what is the verdict of another tour and possibly within the united states. Also how successful was the tour in the states as in sales because I regret missing the buffalo concert.

Crypton and SEGA have not yet had a tour in the United States. The first live performance was in Los Angeles at Anime Expo 2011, and they even held a special conference at the New York Comic Con late last year. There has been no official announcement about a nationwide “tour” with the exception of a possible return to L.A. in 2013. But this can always change.

Oct 212011

With the site a bit behind the times on most Vocaloid events, I think a recap of all major events for 2011 thus far is in order.

With everything from amazing public events to devastating natural disasters, 2011 has shaped up to be a big year for Vocaloid fans everywhere. So with that, enjoy a dose of Miku flavored deliciousness.  Read the full story! Continue reading »